Metal slug 6 rootmars
Metal slug 6 rootmars

metal slug 6 rootmars

It turns out that while he was on the ocean floor, Rootmars had apparently recovered from his free-fall beating at the hands of the team, and learned his lesson as well. At the beginning of Metal Slug 6, Morden and the Mars People were looking for his body, and just as they located it, the Venusians came in. Though originally looking like a larger Mars Person (just wearing a see-through helmet), his real form was revealed after his spaceship was destroyed (and he looked an awful lot like E.T.) He was defeated at the end of 3, his brain being blown out, and sank into the ocean, presumably dead. The leader of the Mars People, he was the one who orchestrated the events of 2/ X and 3. Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Clark's blue.Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: His special move, the Vulcan Punch.

metal slug 6 rootmars

  • One-Hit-Point Wonder: Averted: he can take two hits.
  • Official art still depicts him as looking just as young as Marco and Tarma.
  • Older Than They Look: He was born in 1992, making him 13 years older than both Marco and Tarma, 16 years older than Fio, 18 years older than Eri and about 40 years old by the time of his first appearance.
  • Made of Iron: Why can he take a tank shell? Just because he's that damn tough.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He can run and jump as well as everyone else, has fast (and highly damaging) melee attacks, and takes 2 hits to kill, unlike most of his allies.
  • Though ironically he's one of the few that doesn't use them on the battlefield.
  • Knife Nut: Collects knives as a hobby.
  • Hot-Blooded: The guy is willing to charge a tank with his bare hands.
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: With Clark.
  • metal slug 6 rootmars

    Tropes exhibited by this character include: 3 Support Characters and other notable NPCs.1.1.2 Tarma (Tarmacle Roving the Third).1 Protagonists (broken down by game appearance).

    Metal slug 6 rootmars